Tuesday, December 25, 2012

Merry Christmas!!!!!

From all of us, we wish you a Merry Christmas!

Sunday, December 23, 2012

A Bonnet for Kate

My friends welcomed their fourth baby into the world last week. 
So of course I had to knit something for her!!!

I made this little bonnet for baby Kate.

Knit with 100% baby alpaca from our farm store.

Welcome to the world little girl.

Wade and Chase will be fighting over you in the years to come!

Wednesday, December 19, 2012

Knit a Square for Newtown

I honestly don't know how to make heads or tails out of what happened in Newtown. 
I can't shake it. I'm sure I'm not alone in this. Finally I feel like I can help...in a very small way.

I just received an email from Three Irish Girls Yarn.
I will copy and paste some of it in this post...

Hello knitters,
Three Irish Girls is looking for some kind-hearted helpers. In the wake of the recent elementary school tragedy, we have started a group called, Knitters for Newtown. Knitters for Newtown is going to show the world what fiber artists can do. We're going to knit 26 blankets for the families of the Sandy Hook Elementary victims. And we're going to raise $10,000 to donate directly to charities that will help them

Knit a square and it will be part of 26 blankets that will go to families of Newtown Elementary. You can also purchase yarn from Three Irish Girls and they will donate part to the charities that will benefit the victims families.

I don't know how to make heads or tails out of this tragedy, but I know I can knit. I know how much comfort a knitted blanket can bring someone. It shows you care. It shows you took time and that you thought of the person while you made it.

If you are local and want to bring it to our farm, I can collect and mail them together.
 They started a Facebook page as well as a Ravelry Group for more information.

This is the info that they have posted on their Facebook page:

Information for those of you itching to start knitting:
Squares should be 8" by 8" in garter stitch -- that will make it easier to seam them together.
(If you're a new knitter, garter stitch is all knitting, no purling.)

You can knit a plain square, or knit a design into it.
 Please get them as close to 8" square as possible.

When you're ready, here's where you'll send them:
Three Irish Girls
Attn: Knitters for Newtown
PO Box 161165
Duluth, MN 55816

Again, if you live close by and want to drop it off at the farm,
I will mail them together.


Yarn Along - Crunch Time!

It's that time!!!!!! Crunch knitting time.

I have finished up my gifted knits. Now I'm finishing up a custom order.

A pair of 100% baby alpaca tweed fingerless gloves.

It's a variation of the Susie's Reading Mitts on Ravelry.

They are a nice quick knit and super soft.

Still reading The Shoemaker's Wife on the Nook.
A nice read so far. Nothing too exciting but a simple quick read. That's what I need right now!

Joining in with Ginny.

-Happy Knitting!

Sunday, December 16, 2012


This past Friday, as tragedy struck at Sandy Hook Elementary school, I was working at our farm store with my mom, sister, and our babies. My older boys were safe at their elementary school and my husband, a high school principal was safe at his school.
 I tried to keep the radio and tv off and I prayed that my boys would never have to hear of what happened. But in today's world, they knew far to soon. We have struggled to explain this to them. How do you? I don't think you can.
They continue to ask me questions that break my heart.
My oldest boy, a fifth grader asked "Mom, I know that we have locks at the front doors of school but what about when I'm at recess? There are no walls or locks. Just a fence. 
Can someone shoot us there?" 
It breaks my heart that they might go to school tomorrow morning fearful.
We are doing our best to comfort them and give them the security that it's ok to
go to school and this won't happen to them. And at the same time, it scares me so much. 

I can't imagine what the families of all the victims have to live through.
I am thankful to have my boys and husband safe and sound.
I'm sure that I can say on behalf of my family and all of us at Arrow Acres
that we are thinking of the families and praying for them. 
My grandmother has been on my mind a lot the past week or so.
I think of her all the time, but even more so lately.
We had a wonderful party last weekend at my sister, Liz's house with cousins, laughing, eating and playing games.  Last night we all got back together to welcome Christmas at my cousin, Michael's. We laughed, ate and sang Christmas carols as he played the piano for us. I hope she was laughing and singing right along with us. She loved to listen to us play our instruments.
And this morning, I took the boys to church. We sat in her pew.
Our pastor prayed for the Sandy Hook Elementary victims and we all cried.
I know MomMom sits there every Sunday in spirit.
Garrett sat on her today. Sorry MomMom. But I don't think you minded :)

This was a bit scattered today, but that's how my brain is right now.
A mix of happy, sad, thankful and overwhelmed.

I think I'll knit. That will make things better :)


Thursday, December 13, 2012

The New Jersey Shore

In an attempt to keep myself sane, I put Chase in the car today and drove around.
(In the past week either myself or one of my kids had a stomach virus every day...fun)

The Manasquan beachfront has been closed to the public due to the tremendous devastation that occurred after the lovely Superstorm Sandy blew through.

 In the past few weeks, the public has been allowed to get down close to see everything for ourselves.
I have stayed away until today.
Only 7 minutes from my front door, is this....

Signs of hope and things being repaired.

What you don't see here is house after house with big red Xs on the door.
The hundreds of contractors, electricians, plumbers, work crews hard at work.
An empty ACME parking lot (locals will know what I mean), piles of sand, people taking pictures.

Where once stood dunes, walkways and gazebos now are piles of sand,
broken concrete, wood and american flags.

It's very over whelming to see it in person. Pictures don't come close to showing what it really is like.

I hope that everyone that lost their homes are able to get back to normal life soon.

Wednesday, December 12, 2012

Yarn Along

Joining in with all the knitters out there for another yarn along.

I finished up the baby legwarmers so I thought I would share the final product.
Chase is modeling them here.

Ravelry link: Legwarmers

I'm also trying to finish up some Christmas knitting. I was hit with a stomach bug this weekend and I felt so lousy I couldn't even knit. Oh...the horror I know. That's how you know I'm really sick.
The kids have had it all too. They bounce back much quicker than the grown ups!

Here is the ravelry link for this project: Cowl

Watching the colors emerge is addicting. Taking me a while though because I'm not the quickest with holding two yarns at once. Slows me down a bit. But loving it. I have so many ideas for another one. I would love to use some of my mom's hand spun yarn along with a solid from our alpacas.

I'm still reading The Shoemaker's Wife. Not loving it, but it's ok.

Have a great week! Joining in with Ginny.

Happy Knitting

Friday, December 7, 2012

Why Knit?

I knit every day.
Maybe a few rows, sometimes hours at night, or maybe just a half hour weaving in ends.
I knit in the car at the bus stop.
I knit while I help my boys with homework.
I knit when we hang out at night to watch tv.
It relaxes me. It keeps me sane. It is a wonderful craft.

My boys play sports. So that lands me at the practice field a lot. I take my knitting with me. My pediatrician's office is always asking me what I'm working on. I knit in public....A LOT. People either smile, look at me with a confused look or are curious and start asking questions.

A comment I hear often is, "You must save so much money by knitting your own things." HAHAHAH!!! Clearly the haven't been in a yarn store. I always respond with, "This is my hobby. I love it and so I don't mind spending extra money on it. If I went to the GAP and bought a scarf it would be half the price, but it wouldn't have any meaning to it."

I am lucky enough to have parents that have an alpaca farm. I live next door and so I get to enjoy them every day. My sisters live very close by as well and we're all a part of the farm. We have a farm store here at the farm. In the store we sell beautiful things made with alpaca yarn. Part of the store is all hand made and the other half are things made in Peru (the native land of the alpacas).

Throughout the year, my sisters and I knit and crochet things to sell.
We sell most of our items in the colder months and at the holidays.
This keeps us busy, lets us make a little extra money and stocks the store.

When I knit for the store, I don't have a certain someone in mind. I just knit.
I knit what i would want to wear or something a little kid would look cute in.
It's different than knitting a gift for someone. 
I love what I'm knitting, but it doesn't have a personal story....yet.

I was away last weekend so I wasn't able to help in the store.
When I returned, I noticed that one of the bandana cowls I made had sold. 
I was happy someone bought it and would enjoy it.
 A few days later, a friend of my sisters told me that she had been in the store with her aunt.
Her aunt had previous throat surgeries and was left with many scars on her neck.
She saw my bandana cowl and knew it would be the perfect thing for her.
It would keep her warm and also hide her scars.
 And then, my bandana cowl had a story.

So not only does knitting keep me sane and happy, it helps others.
I feel so lucky that I have this craft in my life.
It connects people while providing comfort.

Why do you knit?

 (Bandana Cowl)

 Our farm store will be open this weekend and the next weekend
Friday & Saturday 10-4, Sunday 12-4

Wednesday, December 5, 2012

Yarn Along

Hi all!

It's that time of year when knitting becomes a job!!!!
Between trying to knit more inventory for the farm store and knitting the gifts for Xmas, my arms, shoulders and wrists are pooped! But I do love it. Knitting keeps me sane.

I finished reading Tell the Wolves I'm Home. Just as I was about to give up on it and put it down, it hooked me and I'm so happy I stuck with it. It was a story that will stay with me for a very long time.
Worth the read for sure! 

I started reading The Shoemakers Wife this week. It was recommended by a good friend that likes the same books as I do. So far I love it. 

I also picked up these two adorable childrens books. I thought I would give them as gifts to someone but I really think I may have to keep them! Have you read them??? The Hat story is my favorite. 
The knitting book is a gift for me. I bought it. My husband can give it to me. 
But in the meantime I'm using it :) I bought it at a friend's frame shop, The Great Pacific Frame Shoppe & Gallery in Point Pleasant. She's now carrying some Cascade Yarn and a few very cute books.

I'm knitting up some baby legwarmers for the store. Alternating rows of baby alpaca and fun alpaca sock yarn. The colors are the pits in my photos. sorry. early morning in my dining room doesn't make for good lighting!

 One done!

And this is another Moody Kerchief.
This one was knitted using bigger needles, malabrigo yarn from my stash and I also added a wooden toggle button. Love it. It fits great.

Now off to do some Xmas shopping......wish me luck!
Shopping with a toddler is no easy task I tell you!!!!!!

Happy Knitting