Wednesday, April 30, 2014

Yarn Along

Wednesday brings with it the weekly Yarn Along.
Sharing what you are knitting and reading. Inspire others, share your hobby,
spread creative ideas around. 

Working on My Stole for Fall scarf. The perfect baseball game knitting project.
Knit 10, Purl 10, Repeat. With skinny yarn and tiny needles, this will take me all spring and summer
but I plan to wear it for next year's trip to Rhinebeck. That's the plan!

And I am knitting up these super cute fingerless gloves as a gift.
I love them and I think the recipient will too :)

I just finished reading The Kitchen House. Wowzer!!!! 
What a book! Drama!
I'm just starting Mudbound. I'm excited to read it.

And I'm itching to have a fair isle project on my needles. I really want to make a long cardigan.
So I've spent way too much time searching on ravelry. Anyone have a suggestion?

Joining in with Ginny.

Tuesday, April 29, 2014

This week around the farm...

Just a few snapshots from my cell phone of things going on around the farm and with the famiy this past weekend.

My grandparents came home from Florida and we spent some time together over lunch and reading books. Grant makes their 9th great grandson. No Girls! It's so ridiculous it's funny.

Maggie is the sweetest girl. She lets you goof around with her, pet her, snuggle up and play. If all alpacas had her personality, everyone would have them! (Normally alpacas are sweet and curious, but don't enjoy being handled or pet)

Bee hives on the farm! So cool. Can't wait to taste the honey.

Lizzie and Wade checking out the bees

Feeding the birds was one of our chores while my parents were away at the Alpaca Show.
The little boys could stay in there for hours!


 Stormy skies at the Jersey Shore.

My wacky boys doing Duck Face.

The grass is green and looking like spring. If it would only WARM UP!!!!!!!!!!!

I have been aching for a fair isle project on my needles and in my search I came across this picture of a little girl wearing a fair isle sweater. I have three boys. I have no plans for more kiddos, but if I had ever had a girl, I imagine her looking exactly like this. I can't stop looking at it. And no...I don't want another baby. I'm good with my 3 boys.

I get my baby fix with this cute munchkin, Grant.
He's three weeks old now and so cute and sweet. Love him!

Have a great week!

Monday, April 28, 2014

Lily, you lost your head

In the right place, at the right time....

The headless alpaca.

Thursday, April 24, 2014

Catching Up

I received an email yesterday from my dad that just had a subject line saying:
"For some reason I thought it was Wednesday"
His little nudge reminding me that I haven't updated the blog.
I love Wednesdays and I don't know how I forgot to post!
Oh wait...I know why. I was too focused on running my two year old like a dog so he doesn't drive everyone bonkers due to his excess energy. I also thought it would be nice to give Lizzie a little break and take Wade to story time with us. So it's now Thursday, but I thought I would post a bunch of pictures and try to catch up on what has been going on around here, the farm, Lizzie's new baby, knitting and more.....Random craziness....

A day late, but here goes!
Baby Grant came home :) He's now 2 1/2 weeks old. Clearly I haven't posted in a while!

 Some of the Sherman cousins. Brady and Shea were enjoying spring break in Myrtle Beach!

 My cousin brought her kids over to play last week and since there's only ONE baby girl in this family, I did a quick modeling photo shoot of my knitted dress pattern, Flower Bud Dress.
Harper thought he should get in the picture too. Cami wasn't so sure!

 Isn't this baby just perfect???? I love him sooooo much. It's fun being an aunt :) I feel like you love them as much as your own kids but don't have to worry like you do with your own. It's just pure fun and enjoyment. If that makes sense?

 My littlest boy is so odd.

New knitting....

The warm weather just doesn't want to visit the Jersey Shore. Ugh. Too cold to watch baseball!!! So we sat in the car.

Gift this pattern!

Homemade pizza chef

My kids and I spent a great day with our friends that we don't get to see enough. Explored some of the local parks that Monmouth County has to offer. Huber Woods, NYC scenic overlook and 9/11 memorial, Twin Light Houses. So fun!

The local animals at our neighbor's farm.

Easter morning candy rush.

A bird making a nest in the little alpaca shed.

Chase wanted to give the boy alpacas some hay.

 Ooops. missed the hay bin.
 Try again. Bing is wondering what Chase is doing.
 Handsome Smoke Ring. His first babies are due very soon!!!! I hope they all look just like him.

 We have been hitting the library a lot lately.

DROOLING over new patterns.

Hanging out in the baseball shack. Or, laying down in the baseball food shack.

Not allowed to run in the parking lot and not very happy about it.

Many WIPs going on. And reading The Kitchen House.
Love it!

(orange knitting will be the Stole shawl)

Still working on my Follow Your Arrow shawl. I pick it up, put it down, repeat. I really should just sit and finish it already.

 One to go. Straightforward mitts pattern.

I'll leave you with two little bug hunters. These two are so funny together. that's the random things that have been going on around here!