Monday, June 24, 2024


It's been so hot here! I don't like the humidity. I'm a super complainer!!!!! Our house doesn't have central air so it's hard to get cooled off when not in a pool or at the beach. So what did I do? I turned my oven on and baked and cooked. Oops. Totally worth it though! I made these two recipes and they were delicious!!!!!!!! I served the tomatoes and cheese on crostini and it was heaven on bread. The Lemon Shortcakes with Basil Berries was delicious too. I highly recommend both! And homemade whipped cream is always a good idea.

Here's a collection of photos from the past few days :) Hope you're not melting!!!!


1 comment:

  1. i get love to cook and you make the most delicious things. and you take great pictures of those dishes!! i could not live without central air...i just could not do it!! the flowers are so pretty and is that a wild mushroom/fungus?? thanks for the dish towel idea, i ordered the yarn today!!
