Sunday, May 10, 2020


I celebrated a birthday on Saturday. We are still in quarantine but it really wasn't much different than a normal birthday. The thing that was different was the temperature!!!!!!! IT was FREEZING! We woke up to 36 degree temps in the morning. North Jersey saw snow flakes. Crazy!!! I usually spend my birthday (if it's on a weekend) outside planting flowers and soaking in the sun.

I started with wine on Friday night and made bread :)

My oldest son bought me a Pitt Panther sticker for my car.

Isn't he innocent looking when he's sleeping?

Birthday morning coffee and knitting. The best way to start any day!

Lizzie dropped off these goodies for my bday! She dyed the sock yarn and I LOVE it!
It's alpaca, merino, nylon. So soft and squishy. I already casted on for socks.

She also got me a food scale. I have been borrowing hers for my bread. I guess she wants hers back!
And the cute little stitch markers with Rhinebeck or Bust on them! So cute.
I sure do hope we get to go to Rhinebeck this year.

My mom posted this picture of my on Facebook. That's me swinging from my apple tree. I spent hours in that tree as a little kid. I used to love to make my ponytail hit the ground! I could probably still do that but I would need stronger ropes!

I got some gifts from my mom and dad. Thought this was hysterical. A true quarantine bday gift!

My friend Amy had her bday last Saturday. I made her a sign and dropped it off with some gifts last week. She returned the favor and repurposed the sign for me! Hysterical. She is not a crafty person but she sure is clever!!!! We had a social distant visit on my porch with a glass of wine and it was exactly what I needed. I miss my people so much!

Rick and the boys got me my favorite pizza. It's from Massutos. We usually go there for my birthday so I am thankful they are still open for takeout. It was sooooo good.

Dalton made me a chocolate cake. They sang to me and then I hopped on a Zoom call with some of my cousins, both sisters and my oldest friend, Kevin. We played a few rounds of Scattergories. It was really fun. We had some good laughs. That's been a fun part of this whole time. We have connected more than we usually do. Even if it's over the computer, it's better than nothing!

Today is Mother's Day. I woke up to toast made by Chase and my older boys went out to get me coffee. I have been a complete lazy bum today. Haven't done much of anything. It's still chilly and windy outside so most of my time has been in the house. Rick took me out this morning and bought me some hanging flower baskets. We also got one for my mom. It's nice to have flowers outside again. Dalton built me a little fire pit in the front of the house. I have been wanting one by the porch so he took it upon himself to make me one. Very thoughtful. Garrett wrote me one of his famous letters. He does this for every holiday. Chase made me a card and did some cute things through "school". Very sweet.

One of the baskets is hanging by the chicken coop. My favorite color :)

I hope you all had a nice weekend and Happy Mother's Day to everyone!


  1. Happy belated Birthday! You got a whole lot of wonderful gifts and a yummy looking pizza. The last time I saw any of my family and friends was my own birthday back in February. Enjoy knitting with that pretty yarn and stitch markers.

  2. happy birthday!!! that picture of you on the swing is priceless, i hope you frame that and hang it somewhere in you abode!!! your sign for amy, and then for you, priceless!!!
