Wednesday, May 22, 2024

Fresh Air

How nice to be able to be outside and not freeze! It's been a long spring around here at the Jersey Shore. The sun has been shining for a few days in a row and it's wonderful. Lots of time outside, getting the lawn taken care of, cleaning out flower beds, walks around the farm after dinner, green leaves, new bee hives, chickens enjoying some time outside the coop. It's lovely!

I finished up my Birch & Moss scarf. It was a fun and quick knit. I'm going to be selling this one at the farm store. I would like to make some more over the summer. My plan this summer is to knit something for the store between personal projects. I finished up the striped socks. I love them! I can't believe how much I have been enjoying knitting socks!!! I plan on casting on for a new pair tonight after work. I'm a sock knitter now! Who knew??! 

Hope you're enjoying some fresh air where you are too. 

1 comment:

  1. it has been lovely, hasn't it!! cool mornings, windows open...and we have taken some after dinner walks too!! everything is so green and plush, and i LOVE the rickety old barn!! and oh the scarf and socks, i can't decide which i like best...but maybe it it those pretty eggs!!
