Showing posts with label The Dude. Show all posts
Showing posts with label The Dude. Show all posts

Wednesday, May 10, 2017

The Dude! Yarn Along

As I talked about in my last post, I bought yarn for my Rhinebeck 2017 sweater during my trip to the Maryland Sheep & Wool Festival. After lots of time spent looking at sweater patterns, I landed on the Knitter's Dude sweater. 

My yarn is O-Wool wash worsted. The main color is Silver Maple. The bands of color are a nice mustard color, Feldspar. The larger motif is in the Wineberry color. After I started the sleeve, my son commented that it looks very Harry Potterish. kind of does. It's also my college colors (Kutztown University). I second guessed my color choices, but I'm sticking with it this time and going to keep on knitting. The color in the photo doesn't show the motif color well. It's a pretty purple/wine color.

I am knitting the sleeves first. It's a nice way to do a swatch and also, I hate sleeves, so this is a good way to start and just get it over with! Now...let's talk about the knitting.
The floats between colors of the motif are LONG. Too long in my opinion. Makes for tricky knitting in the round on a sleeve. I think it will be a little easier once I get into the body of the sweater. Picking up floats as I go is not my favorite thing! And then to do it on double pointed needles is even harder. But, it is knitting up nicely and I have hopes of having it done in time for Rhinebeck next year.

What are you knitting?