Showing posts with label 31 Day Photo Challenge. Show all posts
Showing posts with label 31 Day Photo Challenge. Show all posts

Thursday, May 30, 2013

Day 30 : Self Portrait & A Birthday

Day 30 : Self Portrait

I got a summer hair cut yesterday. Shortest it's been in a very
long time. Possibly ever. It feels so good. I think I lost 5 lbs.

So, here I am. Best I could do with my camera phone.
It's always so awkward to take a picture of yourself isn't it?

And today is my dad's birthday.
Happy Birthday Dad!!!!!!
We'll toast with a half & half this weekend.

Tomorrow's word (and the last one of the challenge) : Relax

Wednesday, May 29, 2013

It's Wednesday and Day 29

It's Wednesday, Yarn Along Day. 
It's also Day 29 of the May Photo Challenge.

Today's Word : Light
This is a picture of the morning light this morning.
Taken around 6:30.

And now to the yarn along....
 Last Wednesday I didn't post. I had a good reason.
I was lucky enough to go on my oldest son's 5th grade class trip
to New York City. We took a charter bus into the city
and toured the Wax Museum. Very fun.
Thank you to my sister, Liz, for watching Chase all
day so I could go on this trip.


We also spent the afternoon hanging out in Bryant Park.
The kids had lunch and then took over the entire field for
some football games and girls did cartwheels.

 I did what any country girl would do in the city.
I knitted.

 I have been working on long, big, hard to focus projects.
What I'm finding is that these beautiful knitted pieces are taking me
much much much longer than they used to because of Chase.
He needs constant watching over. He's a wild one.
So I thought that it was time to start knitting up some little
hats and quick projects for the farm store.

I also had an idea that everything I knit could be inspired by
something from nature that I find around my home.
I dyed the yarn inspired by the robin eggs (can't wait to knit that up!!!!)

Here is the picture that I was inspired by.

And here is the little baby hat that was half knitted in NYC and half on the farm.
Knitted with baby alpaca and topped with a super cute green and cream pompom.
This should fit a 6-12 month old baby.

I love a good pompom

 And my wait is FINALLY over. This book has been released!!!!
I have waited years for this author to write another novel.
I started it last night and the only reason I put it down was because I was too tired.
I have a feeling he will not disappoint!!!

And a picture of Chase. Sometimes he looks so much like my niece, Jamie.

Back to my intense knitting. Hopefully I'll have my edging of the Juneberry Shawl complete
next week and wonderful pictures to share.

As for now, happy knitting and reading.


Joining in with Ginny at Small Things.

Tuesday, May 28, 2013

Catching Up : Day 25-28

I just haven't been myself lately and haven't had the time to sit and post.

So I'll do a bit of catching up now on my May Photo Challenge!!!

Day 25: Artwork
I found this on Pintrest and had it posted for Mother's Day

Day 26: Transportation
Brady and Chase driving around. He even stops for "red lights" and Gas (grass)

Day 27: Daily Routine
Saying hello to the pacas

Day 28: Nighttime
We went to a great bbq with friends Saturday night. Despite the wind, rain and chilly temps, we had a great time. This was the sky when we got home at nighttime....

Tomorrow's word: Light

Have a good day!

Saturday, May 18, 2013

Day 17 : Memories

Day 17 : Memories

Some of my fondest childhood memories took place at this spot.
A lake in Maine, the same week every summer, cabins filled with families we
saw once a year, games of CAD, catching frogs, campfires, lobster feasts, the floating dock,
climbing the mountain, smell of bacon, my grandparents, dogs, mooseturd cookies.

From left to right....
Michael, Megan, Ellen from Massachusetts, Lizzie, Andee and myself (Leanne)

Good good memories.


Thursday, May 16, 2013

Day 16 : Animals

Day 16 : Animals

That's Harper. 
The sweetest, most handsome, welcomed and hoped for dog.

He is the new guy that lives with my parents.

So happy to have him around.

 Tomorrow's word: Memories

Wednesday, May 15, 2013

Day 15 : Technology

Day 15 : Technology

Taking my dad's suggestion and going with Technology...NOT!

This is an old adding machine that we used to play with.
Now it sits outside the coop and confuses little kids.

Tomorrow's Word: Animals. I have a feeling I have plenty of things around here to photograph!!!

Tuesday, May 14, 2013

Day 14 : Movement

Day 14 : Movement

I had to escape my house. Chase is at a very clingy stage and cries if I leave for a second.
That includes going upstairs, going downstairs, going in another room. Fun times.
I had so much to do, but I needed to get both of us away or things were going to get ugly.

So off we went for a peaceful, fun, easy hour at the beach.

I took this picture of the "movement" of the waves. So calming and pretty today.

This was taken at Sea Girt Beach. It was nice to see the boardwalk being replaced. Looking good!

Tomorrow's Challenge Word: Technology

Monday, May 13, 2013

Day 13 : Written Words

Day 13 : Written Words

I love the school projects sent home for Mother's Day.
Garrett hit the nail on the head with this answer!!! My boys know me very well.

Hope you all had a Happy Mother's Day!

Tomorrow's Word: Movement

Saturday, May 11, 2013

Day 11 : Something Old

Day 11 : Something Old

This is an old picture of my maternal grandmother.

If I remember correctly, it was with an old letter addressed to my grandfather
while he was away during World War II. 
They had met briefly and he was interested in her.
He asked her to send him a picture of herself that showed her profile
so he could remember what she looked like and what her nose looked like.

They married shortly after. I guess her nose was ok.

Photo Challenge for tomorrow : Hands

Thursday, May 9, 2013

Day 9 : Inspiring Person

Day 9 of Photo Challenge : Inspiring Person

My Dad

I'm lucky enough to be surrounded by inspiring people every day of my life.
My husband, my kids, my mom, sisters, brother in laws, all my inlaws, friends....they are all
upbeat, loving, creative, successful, helpful and caring people.

So I thought, how do I pick one?

Well, I kept coming back to my dad.
I figure hey, he had the brain tumor years ago, so he wins. heehee

My dad....
If you know him, you know why his picture is up there.
If you don't know him, I wish you did and I hope you come by the farm and meet him.
You won't ever forget him. That's for sure.

A burly looking mountain man with a heart of gold.
He loves my mom more than anything. They're high school sweethearts and have been married
for 37 years. He raised his three girls to be as capable as any man.
He taught us that hard work pays off, how to hammer a nail and build things,
how to get dirty, how to mow the lawn, how to be good people, how to love our families
and it's always fun to take a good road trip with candy in the glove compartment.

As an adult, one of the qualities that I respect the most in my dad is how he was always
able to turn off his work stress when he got home. As a kid, I don't remember
a time that we knew if work was tough or if it was a hard time. I just remember my dad,
hanging out with us, taking us fishing, going to our soccer games and cooking up a mean breakfast.
He was able to let those things go and he still does. I don't know how he does it.

A man that can tell a good dirty joke, say things to people that NO ONE else can get
away with, a guy with a great laugh and likes to sneak Oreos from the cabinet.
He is forgiving, loving, will help anyone at a moments notice and an all around good man. 
A successful business man, a hard worker and a true family man.
There is no one in the world like him.

So that's my inspiring person.

And I also need to suck up to him right now because he saved my apple tree :)


Thanks Dad


Wednesday, May 8, 2013

Day 8 : Favorite Color

Day 8 : Favorite Color

To pick one is impossible. But if I had to rank my favorites it starts with

Shown here in my yarn purchased at the Maryland Sheep & Wool Festival

Tomorrow's prompt: Inspiring Person

Join in! It's fun :)

Tuesday, May 7, 2013

Day Seven : Something Funny!!!

Day Seven : Something Funny

Chase realizing that he had on two different shoes.
Hey, when you want to play outside and you can't find matching shoes, this works. 

Tomorrow's Word is Favorite Color

Monday, May 6, 2013

Day Six : Books

Day Six : Books

Taken at the Maryland Sheep & Wool Festival

Join in for the 31 Day Month of May Photo Challenge!
Take a look at the button on the right side of the blog for more info.

Sunday, May 5, 2013

Saturday, May 4, 2013

Day Four : Leaves

Day Four : Leaves

It's Spring! Leaves are finally appearing on the branches.
This photo was taken outside my home. My husband is in the background
throwing the ball while he plays running bases with the big kids :)

Today is May 4th. MomMom's birthday.
I miss her all the time, but especially on this day and at this time of year.
She would be happy to know that three of her granddaughters and two of her great-grandsons were enjoying some away time together doing what we love.

Happy Birthday to you, Happy Birthday to you, Happy Birthday dear MomMom,
Happy Birthday to you whoo whooo whoooooooooo!!!!!!!!

Miss you.

Friday, May 3, 2013

Day Three: Happiness

Day Three : Happiness

Andee took these pictures yesterday while we waited for our vet to help the
new baby alpaca. I chose these two pictures to share for HAPPINESS because
it embodies the word on so many levels for me.

Happiness that the third baby that I had hoped, prayed and wished for
is a part of our life. This little boy is the light of my life, has his father wrapped around his
finger and has two big brothers that love him so much.

Happiness that my little nephew (sitting next to us) is here.
His middle name honors his late uncle and one of my close friends that we lost so many years ago. He reminds me of him every day. He has brought so much happiness
to a family that had such heartbreak years ago.

Happiness that I am fortunate enough to be a work-at-home, stay-at-home mom for all of my boys.
I missed a few months when Dalton was a baby and I cried every day that he was at daycare.
Happiness that I can spend an hour sitting on the grass, in the sunshine, with two sweet little boys
on a farm where I grew up.

Not bad.

Wednesday, May 1, 2013

Photo Challenge : and Yarn Along

Happy Wednesday

Time for the weekly Yarn Along!

My picture is boring today because my project just started, but I am posting anyway.
Frogged my milkweed sweater for a much,  MUCH easier knit.
Knitting up an Ease Sweater for myself.
I was in the mood for some mindless knitting. This is perfect.

Finished up and blocked the Terra Shawl.
Being gifted to my dear friend.
This card looks all sappy and sweet on the front, but the inside is funny.
She'll love it.

Happy Birthday T :)

And a reminder that TODAY starts the 31 Day Photo Challenge!!!
Join the fun and play along.
Today's Word: FAVORITE FOOD!
Post a picture a day on your blog, facebook or flickr and link back here. Should
be fun to see how everyone interprets the words of May.

Monday, April 29, 2013

Month of May Photo Challenge

Ok folks. I have a challenge for you.

I notice so many of you out there in the blogging world also love to take pictures.

My sister, Andee, is the real photographer in the family. She can capture a moment like no one else.
She knows what all the fancy settings on her camera mean. I'm impressed.

I dabble in the photography and I love taking pictures too.'s my challenge to you.

 Starting May 1st •
For every day of the month of May,
take a photograph that captures the word that
corresponds to the date.

Post to your blog or flickr account
and relink here.

Hopefully Andee can make a fancy button thingy that you can
use to put on your site. But for now, here's the list.

Have fun, enjoy and let's capture some wonderful moments
during my favorite month of the year.