Showing posts with label thanksgiving. Show all posts
Showing posts with label thanksgiving. Show all posts

Wednesday, December 2, 2015

Yarn Along and Happy December

Hello! Happy Wednesday, Happy December and Happy Yarn Along Day.

We had a wonderful Thanksgiving and a busy farm weekend. Hope you all had a nice weekend and holiday too.

Sharing in the yarn along and a few pictures from the past few days....

I am almost done with the body of Rick's sweater. It's the Rift sweater from Brooklyn Tweed.
Isn't it a funny thing with knitting...for a while it seems like it's going to take forever and you get a bit bored and the project gets a bit neglected. Then you get towards the end and you can't stop. It's like that last 100 yards in a long run. You get all your adrenaline back and let's you finish!

I'm hoping to finish up the body this week and then get the sleeves done and assembled in time for Christmas.

I also knitted up a bunch of hats over the past week to sell in the Coop.
Fun, quick hats using alpaca yarn. I forget to take pictures of them all and then they sell and are out the door. I did get a chance to take a photo of a cutie pie that bought one of my hats.

 Do you like Chase's parking lot spaces for his tractors?

Here are a few Thanksgiving shots. Chase was a big helper in the kitchen. He made the pineapple stuffing all by himself! All I did was cut up the bread for him. Other than that, it was all him. And it was delicious.

Manasquan didn't win the big Thanksgiving match up against Wall but we still had a good time.

Alpacas in the mist early this morning...

Joining in with Ginny at Small Things for the Yarn Along.

I don't have a book going right now!!!! Any suggestions????

P.S. I do have three boys but two of those boys do NOT like having their picture taken. I realize that most of my posts look like I only have 1!!!