For the past few years we have planted a field of pumpkins. Our first few years were amazing. We had huge crops with so many pumpkins we didn't know what to do with them! However, the last two years have not been successful. We're not sure why. Was it weather? Too wet? Too dry? Bugs? Deer? Groundhogs? Not sure. But once again, we planted the pumpkins.
Row by row, my boys, husband, Andee and her boys helped my parents plant the seeds. I just watched with my camera in tow. I'm too big to bend over these days. Along the way, we found lots of golf balls two year old nephew thought this was very funny.
the power tools to wind it up. Smart man.)
A half hour later he was fine with the tractor.
Who knows....Two year olds are weird)
There is a little patch of dirt down in the meadow. At one time, it was a row of huge weeping willow trees. Over the years, they were falling down and eventually had to be cut down. In this part of the meadow, the ashes of the two people that lived here are sprinkled. Mayo and Jeanne Dupayage (known to me as Uncle Mayo and Aunt Jeanne) lived in the house where I live now. Growing up next door, they were like grandparents to us. Never blood related, but as close as can be. This year we decided to plant a few pumpkins in that patch of dirt.
(Dalton and the good luck horseshoe)
Hope you all had a good weekend!