Showing posts with label Spring. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Spring. Show all posts

Wednesday, April 20, 2016

Yarn Along

Joining in with the weekly yarn along over at Ginny's blog.
I am almost complete with my yellow sweater. I can't wait to wear it.
I have had a few times while knitting it that it would have matched my outfit. So I know it will get lots of wear. It's a cotton alpaca blend yarn.
Excited about the little blue flower buttons I purchased on Etsy. Hoping they work ok. 

I am reading My Name is Lucy Barton by Elizabeth Strout.
Really enjoying it. I know if I had a day to just sit and read I would finish it in one sitting. But yeah....that doesn't happen anymore!!!

Feels like spring FINALLY!!!

Happy Yarn Along Day.
What are you knitting and reading?

Saturday, March 14, 2015


I have been quiet on this blog lately. Life has been busy, a little chaotic and this space has suffered.
My camera has sat in it's bag for too long. Too many photos on the iphone. The weather has been frustrating, but what can we do...just take it day by day.

So when the sun decided to shine and the temps rose above 40 degrees this week, we were very happy to get outside to say hi to the alpacas and play with cousins.

 I have been teaching knitting lessons every weekend. I knew that I loved to teach, but I don't think I realized how much I would really truly love it. To see a person walk into the farm store with little or no knowledge at all about knitting and a few hours later leave with stitches and rows on their needles, smiles on their faces and knitting plans is so exciting. 
I taught a Fair Isle class (stranded color work) to four women last weekend.
They rocked it! They all picked up on the technique without any problems and they posted their finished pieces on instagram for me to see. They come back today for 2 hours and we're going to talk all about colors and how to make the best choices when fair isle knitting.
I took a class with Mary Jane Mucklestone at Vogue Live Knitting NYC last winter and I'm using the knowledge she gave me to teach my students.

And a few shots from my phone of the last few days....
Chase and Jeter just hanging out on the bed.

All the boys wore the same color this day. Not on purpose.

Our dirt road is a mess. Puddles and melting ice and snow make for a bumpy and messy ride for the good ol' minivan. I was taking the garbage out the other day and noticed a heart shaped puddle in the road. I'll take it the love where ever we can get it these day! Come on nicer weather!!!!

I did it. Yup. Well, it kind of worked. More on that another day.....

Liz and Nick are finishing their basement and so this beautiful desk needed a new home and I am the very lucky lady that gets to have it. So my home office got a very much needed overhaul this week. Can't wait to get some nice fresh new houseplants from Barlow's to add to the top.
What a difference a nice space makes.

This is a little baby gift for a farmer friend. I can't get the photo to it's sideways. Oh well.
Knitted with alpaca yarn from our store and pink hand dyed yarn by Liz.

That's it. Was nice to visit here a little bit.
OH!!!!! READING........I LOVED A Fall of Marigolds. BEST BOOK I've read in a long time.
I'm so sad that it's over. You know books like that? Yup. It was one of those. I miss the characters. to go make cupcakes, set up for today's knitting lessons, set the house up for Garrett's 11th Birthday party later this afternoon and 7 boys sleeping over in my little house. ummmm...yeah. I got this.
Have a great day!!!

Monday, June 2, 2014

Spring Nights

Spring nights are so nice at the farm.
Warmer temps and babies playing. How can you resist?

Here are some photos from tonight's outside play time.

Have a great week!

Tuesday, March 20, 2012

No Pictures, Just a little story

I always feel pressure about these little blog postings. Not pressure..ok..wrong word. I guess what I'm saying, is that I feel like I need pictures to go along with every posting. Well, I don't really have any pictures to post tonight. But I do have a story. So here goes...

This morning was foggy. Warm, foggy, first day of spring. It smelled different. The car ride to the bus stop felt different. I turned the butt warmer off in my minivan (by the invention EVER) The forsethias (ok..tried spelling this a hundred times and it's wrong I know) were in bloom, the daffodils were popping up all over the place and I knew that spring was really here.

On my way home from putting the older boys on the bus, I saw the prettiest scene that I've seen in a long time. All the mama/girl alpacas (and Bing) were grazing in the big field next to my house. They are almost always out there this time of the morning. But today was different. It was foggy, it was beautiful and they looked so happy. I noticed how different they all looked. Geneva lifted her head first and walked to the fence. Wea was side by side with her mom, Star, enjoying the fresh spring grass. Bing is so big now. Growing so fast, just like my little baby Chase. By the time I got back in my house, grabbed my camera and walked out to say good morning to the herd, the fog had lifted, they had headed back to the other field and the moment was gone.

But I enjoyed it. Even if it was just for a few minutes.

I hope you had a wonderful first day of spring :)