Wednesday, November 19, 2014

Yarn Along

Hello! Happy Yarn Along Day. I've been missing them the past few weeks.
I have been knitting like a busy bee, but have not had time to post.

Mostly I have been working on my Monte Rosa "Sheepy Sweater".
It's knitted with Bartlett Yarn that I bought at Rhinebeck.
It's almost done! I'm on the sleeves. Then the collar and buttonband and then block!

 Thank you to everyone asking about my mom. She's doing better.
She had a gallbladder gone wrong and had to spend a few days in the hospital on iv antibiotics before they could operate. But she's all fixed and home. She's off alpaca poop duty for a while! But she said that she'll be ok. She's the toughest lady I know.

Joining with Ginny at Small Things for the weekly yarn along.



  1. Please tell your mom get well soon for me!

  2. That looks lovely - can't wait to see it finished. All the best to your mum as well.

  3. Glad your mom is doing better. Love the sweater!
