Wednesday, April 27, 2016

It's Finished

My little yellow sweater is complete. 
I had a quick minute to take a photo and Smoke lined up just perfectly. LOL.

I have already worn it a few times. It's nice light cotton alpaca sweater that is a perfect layering sweater. The buttons are cute but I have a feeling they will have to come off and replaced. They are heavy and they hang a bit too much on the light cotton fabric. We'll see...

I bought some herbs at a local nursery. I'm so ready for the summer! I am keeping these little guys inside for now where it's still warm! 

I just knitted up a little baby bonnet for the Coop. I think I'll knit some things to sell this month.
And maybe a pair of socks (ugh..I hate knitting socks but they are perfect baseball game knitting!)

Joining in with Ginny for the Yarn Along.


  1. Very pretty and a prefect colour for summer!

  2. Your kitchen is amazingly adorable! I love the windows and how you trimmed them. Your cardigan is pretty awesome too!!!!

  3. I DO like your sweater! I'd rather given up on sweaters, but I may change my mind...lovely work! I found you at "Yarn Along." So glad I did!

    1. My apologies: the last comment was accidentally linked to a defunct blog, the real one is:

  4. oooh it's so pretty leanne, one day, i will knit one!!! i like those lights around your kitchen window, i really like those clear lights anywhere!!!!

  5. Haha I love the alpaca photo bomb! :)

  6. Look at that adorable gray alpaca in the background :) Love your sweater. We can button shop next weekend!!!
