Thursday, July 18, 2024

This and That and Celebrations

Just a few pictures from the week so far...

Some of the apple tree barn boys.

THIS BOOK!!!!!!!! I read half of it in one night. I need a few hours to finish.

It's sad, it's happy, it's heartbreaking, but hopeful. I'm loving it. Still knitting my Farmhouse Dishcloth.

Planning to cast on the new Andrea Mowry Rhinebeck sweater, Framed!!!! Need to finish my Tecumseh first but these colors are what I'm thinking for the sweater.

Every morning I'm awaken by this goofball catapulting himself to my bedroom screen window. Then I roll over, open the screen and he makes his way in for breakfast.

Celebrating 25 wedding anniversary at Nicholas Barrel and Roost. It was our first time there and we loved it. We will be back!

And our baby of the family is officially a teenager today! Happy 13th birthday to the little boy that completed our family. He's awesome. I'm so lucky to be his mom.

That's him as a little guy!!! Ooooh I miss that baby face!


1 comment:

  1. ooooh that face. not fair ending with that face, he is just the cutest!! he was that age when i met him, he is a such a great kid!! happy anniversary, you and rick look awesome, do you ever age??
