Thursday, January 21, 2021


 Hello! Wow...I've been away from this blog for a while. I have been reading others but I haven't posted in a while. I've been in a knitting funk for a month or so but it's kicking back into gear. So I thought I would do one of my knitting inspiration posts like I used to do. In case you're in a funk are some fun things I have found that inspired me.

In the Weeds leg warmers (and how cute are those shoes??!!!!)

This is the sweater I am knitting now....

Pretty sweater. Love the color! Astragal

This would be nice for late spring and summer.

And a few not knitting things that I just like...

Pretty braids

I'm always a sucker for a wrinkly quilt. I love this color combo.

And one more thing....something great that has come out of this pandemic.

Hope you are all doing well, are healthy, happy and creating!


  1. you don't post FOREVER and then this?? 3 in less than 3 days. i use to LOVE when you did these and i really like the leg warmers in the first picture. and the shoes!!!!! i might almost put my feet into those just because they are so darn cute!!!

    i love your closing thought, perfect for the times!!

    1. LOL!!! I couldn't get my phone to link with blogger for a while and I couldn't figure out how to get my photos to upload. I just gave up for a while but finally figured it out!!!! So I'm BACK :)
