Thursday, February 25, 2021
Wool & Honey
Monday, February 22, 2021
Sewing Again
I have made a few tunics over the years but most have worn out because I didn't do a great job. I don't have a fancy machine and I probably rush too much....heehee. But I wanted to make some new things for myself so I made a new Esme Tunic and plan to make a long kaftan dress from the same book. I really enjoy making these and wearing them is even better. These tunics are easy to pair with jeans or leggings. Also thin enough throw a sweater or cardigan over. This tunic was a little bit tight in my arms. Ugh. My arms. Always big at the top. I've always been like that!!! Oh well. Still trying to lose weight so maybe this will fit a little better soon.
Tuesday, February 9, 2021
Photo Dump!
I learned how to knit using the magic loop method. I had tried it years ago but couldn't get the hang of it. So I practiced again and finally got it! I made my sister, Liz a pair of leg warmers.
Learning to like smoothies....not as good as bread. BUT they are yummy!
Made this yummy bowl from the Half Baked Harvest Cookbook. I got her books at the library and I love everything I have made so far!
I knit myself another On the C Train hat. My son Garrett stole the first one.
I added a butterfly button to my hat so we could tell them apart.
I finished piecing my squares of the Meadowland Quilt. This is my second one. My first one is very bright and summery. This is toned down and will match my living room well. The fabric was one of my Christmas gifts. I bought the fabric here on Etsy. I basted it just in time for the Super Bowl. I worked on it for a few hours. Hand quilting is my favorite part.

Wednesday, February 3, 2021
February Yarn Along
I have been knitting and reading a lot lately. Over the years I have tried to listen to audio books but I would get distracted. I'm not sure what has changed about me, but audio books have been my jam lately. I borrow books from our library through their app and so far I have listened to a few books. A very cute, easy listener was "How to Walk Away" by Katherine Center. I really enjoyed that one. I am a sucker for a romantic book. It was very Hallmarkish if you like those kinds of stories.
Next up was Nothing to See Here by Kevin Wilson. What an odd book!!! I don't know to review it! It has realism but also fantasy. It was so weird! I must be getting soft in my "old" age because years ago I probably would have enjoyed this one.
I also listened to All Adults Here by Emma Straub. It was just ok. I really liked how the book started out and it sucked me right in. But at some point I kept thinking it's ridiculous how many issues this author is throwing in there and I was ready for it to be over.
Now I'm listening to One Day in December by Josie Silver. Another cute romantic book. The readers of the audio book are British so I enjoy that very much! So far this is a cute book.
I knit a pair of socks last week. It was the first time I was able to knit a pair of socks without looking at a pattern. I used up some scraps and made them striped with contrasting cuffs, heels, and toes. My feelings about knitting socks has changed lately. I find them soothing for "between" big project knits. I also understand how they are constructed and that helps a lot. I don't have to think as much anymore while knitting them.
Another project that I just started are Leg Warmers by Jane Richmond. I am knitting these using the magic loop technique. I tried this technique years ago when I was newer to knitting and had such a hard time with it. Double pointed needles always made more sense to me and I was a wiz at them. But as part of our New to You MAL, I thought I would give magic loop another try. I decided on knitting the leg warmers and I am going to give them to my sister, Liz, for her birthday next week. Shhhh....she doesn't know! I'm using yarn left over from my Leaves of Grass blanket. I hope she loves them! Here is the video I watched to understand magic loop. It's much easier that I remembered. I'm not sure what technique I prefer. I'll do some more small circular projects with magic loop before I decide.
I also finally finished up the Advent 2019 socks for my sister, Liz. These were supposed to be her Christmas gift but it took me longer than I expected.
I also knit a new On the C Train hat. I love this hat!!!!! I made a few for the farm store but I made this one to be my "52 Hike Challenge" hat. I want to order one of the patches and sew it on. I used yarn that was given to me by my friend Carrie. She bought it in Ireland and it was too scratchy for her. She gave me to skeins of this and it's a good thing because as of yesterday, my son Garrett took this hat over as his! I'll knit myself another one. I love the flecks of colors in the dark green yarn. Isn't it pretty?