Wednesday, June 6, 2012


Every Wednesday I try to post a picture of what I am knitting and reading.
I look forward to these posts.
It makes me feel connected to the knitters in the world.
It makes me realize that I am or (not) making any progress on my knitted projects.

So this morning, when I realized it was Wednesday I got ready to take some new pictures.

Well folks, sadly all I have done in the past week is
watch my boys compete in playoff baseball, work, chase my crazy 10 month old around and make help my son with his diorama for school.

Can I just say how much I enjoy diorama making?!
I love it.
I loved it in elementary school and I love it as a mom.
My 10 year old non-artistic book worm didn't find the fun in it like I did.
Mostly, he complained.
But I had fun. (and yes, I's his project. whatever)

I got a check in the mail today from The Maryland Sheep & Wool Festival.
This surprised me. I received a check from them last year because I was a finalist in their cover design contest. This year I was not a finalist. So not really sure why I got a check. But hey, I'll take it.

So instead of my knitting and reading, I'll post the design that caused a check to appear in my mailbox today. 

I hope to knit more this week. I miss it.

Happy Wednesday!


  1. thats an amazing picture! congratulations!

  2. That is a great picture! So fun to get a surprise check in the mail. Woo Hoo.
