Another wonderful trip!
Fondling some roving.
Chase won the best baby award this weekend. He was awesome. Here he is taking a graham cracker and water break.
Score! Great roving for Liz.
Yarn and more yarn...
I liked this poncho. I might have to find a pattern for it.
Gyros on the hill. Worth the half hour wait in line.
Snoozin' on the hill
My yarn purchase. Miss Babs "Yummy" Sock Yarn. I will be using this for my Color Affection Shawl. I am so happy with this yarn. I've been wanting some Miss Babs yarn, but never had the perfect project for it. This is it and I'm so excited about the colors. They are perfect for me.
Sheep! I love sheep. Didn't spend as much time in the sheep barns in years past, but we had to cut the day a bit short. This funny little guy baaaaed really loudly at Chase and scared him. It was funny.
This is a picture of me last year. I was 7 months pregnant with Chase.

One year later, my sweet little 9 month old boy on the same hill.
The festival was much more enjoyable with him outside of me!
I have memories of a hurting pelvis and dizzy spells from gestational diabetes.
He was a joy. I'm pretty sure that next year he will stay home. Almost 2 year olds aren't quite as sweet if I do recall correctly.

And this is Liz's belly this year!
My little nephew is in there getting big!
He's due in September. Next year, he'll be hanging with us on the hill :)
We had a wonderful trip!!!!!! Everything was perfect. We all came home with good memories, the perfect yarn, roving and tired legs.
Fondling some roving.
Chase won the best baby award this weekend. He was awesome. Here he is taking a graham cracker and water break.
Score! Great roving for Liz.
Yarn and more yarn...
I liked this poncho. I might have to find a pattern for it.
Gyros on the hill. Worth the half hour wait in line.
Snoozin' on the hill
My yarn purchase. Miss Babs "Yummy" Sock Yarn. I will be using this for my Color Affection Shawl. I am so happy with this yarn. I've been wanting some Miss Babs yarn, but never had the perfect project for it. This is it and I'm so excited about the colors. They are perfect for me.
Sheep! I love sheep. Didn't spend as much time in the sheep barns in years past, but we had to cut the day a bit short. This funny little guy baaaaed really loudly at Chase and scared him. It was funny.

One year later, my sweet little 9 month old boy on the same hill.
The festival was much more enjoyable with him outside of me!
I have memories of a hurting pelvis and dizzy spells from gestational diabetes.
He was a joy. I'm pretty sure that next year he will stay home. Almost 2 year olds aren't quite as sweet if I do recall correctly.

And this is Liz's belly this year!
My little nephew is in there getting big!
He's due in September. Next year, he'll be hanging with us on the hill :)
We had a wonderful trip!!!!!! Everything was perfect. We all came home with good memories, the perfect yarn, roving and tired legs.
My sister, Andee, also documented it over on her blog, Match the Pictures.
Please pop on over there if you have a minute to view more of the fun we had :)
Click here to see her post.
And while we were away, a new puppy joined the family! My mom adopted a rescue dog from India. She is a sweet little thing that is very shy. It will take time, love and patience for her to feel safe but I know she is in the best place for that.
I'll have pictures soon.
wow! oh wow! thank you for sharing too leanne. i love that festival, all the sheep, and gorgeous wool. your shawl is going to be perfect in those colors. and how cute is the baby belly and then the baby! chase is the sweetest thing i've ever seen, i'm not suprised he won an award! oh, congratulations liz! wish there were babies on the way here... :)