Friday, February 12, 2016


Hey fellow frozen people. Holy cow it's cold out today! And the news says it's going to be even colder in the next few days. But no worries, a warm up will appear next week. For now I will bundle myself in alpaca socks, hand knits and drink a lot of hot coffee.

The alpacas don't seem phased at all. They were out in the fields this morning. I guess it helps to have your own alpaca suit attached to your body. I was worried about the chickens, but when I woke up at 6 am, I looked outside and there they were, all in the outside pen. They seem happy. Crazy ladies.

So...I have a dilemma. A big one. A tragic one!!!!
I DON'T KNOW WHAT TO KNIT!!!! Oh the horror.
I am not in the mood to knit another sweater. I'm not a fan of sock knitting unless it's baseball season.
I just made a beautiful big shawl. I finished up a pretty cowl. I knit my sister a hat.
I feel like learning something new. But not something that will make my brain hurt.

I have my eye on a hat. This hat.

Maybe in farm yarn. I see it as a good hat for a man or a woman.
A good utilitarian hat that will keep someone super warm.

So, if you are a knitter and have any project ideas for me, share! Would love to know a favorite project you have made lately.

Stay warm!!!!!!!!!


  1. I cannot help you with your dilemma because I am in the same boat, but that yarn! Is that the yarn from your alpacas? Any natural color in heavy fingering or sport weight? Because you may have helped me with my knitting stagnation :) I am jonesing to knit a shawl. I knit some mittens recently to mix it up - maybe try those since it's so ridiculously cold??

  2. Love the yarn! Such beautiful colors! You should get to crochet - I love switching between these two crafts - I never get bored!

  3. I'm kind of in the same predictament. Just finished my barn sweater, a colorwork hat I designed for a friends grandson with matching mittens, fingerless mitts and am working on a Dale of Norway sweater that take total concentration. I need something for work. Some mundane but fun thing to knit. If you figure it out let me know. Was actually thinking it's time to start spinning.
    So let me know - Thanks - Tammi

  4. Happy to see your progress on the hat, Leanne! It's beautiful so far! Love your yarn!
