Tuesday, February 8, 2022

My New Everyday Sweater

Hi! Here is my new finished project fresh off my needles!

My friend, Seashore Sharon surprised me with the sweater pattern, DRK Everyday Sweater by Andrea Mowry. It was very thoughtful of her. I finished up a few color work projects and knew a simple, one color sweater was exactly what my brain needed. I loved every single stitch of this sweater. My yarn budget is on the small side these days, so I checked out some Lionbrand Fisherman's Wool. It's very affordable. I think it was $10 for 465 yds of wool. I am a lover of "wooly wool"...not the softest yarn. But I love it. My mom always says, how can you stand that crunchy wool? I don't know why I but I love it.

Anyway, I picked up some skeins of this at my local Joann Fabric and immediately casted on.

I knitted this up lickety split. (2 weeks to be exact). 

I love the simplicity of it but I wanted to add a little something to it to make it "my own."
I found this cute heart shaped elbow patch pattern on Pinterest and had saved it. I thought this would be the perfect addition. I went back and forth trying to figure out if I should do it in a contrast color or the sweater color. I decided on the sweater color. So I knitted up two Grown Up Hearts from the blog page and sewed them on using the same yarn as I knitted. Again...contemplated using a contrast yarn to sew it on but again...stayed with the neutral look. 

It fits perfectly and I LOVE it. I want to make a dozen more.

And just to keep it real....this is what it looks like around the perfect backdrop to photograph my sweater :)


Happy Knitting!

1 comment:

  1. hehehehehe, OMG!!!! i can't believe you knit this in 2 weeks, but actually i can!!! it finished up beautifully and i LOVE the elbow patches and the detail work around the neck!! i think we both know it would take me two years to knit a sweater and i might have to move in with you for constant direction!! who's living in dalton's room??

    seashore sharon, such a kind person!!
