Friday, February 11, 2022

Saying Goodbye to Man's Best Friend

My boys were 4 and 2. I wanted another baby. My husband wasn't thrilled with that idea. So I started begging for a puppy. He wasn't thrilled about that idea either. But I was patient and eventually he came around to the idea of a dog. I jumped on it and off we went...all 4 of us, my mom and both sisters, in a car to drive 2 hours to north/west NJ to pick up our new puppy. We walked into the woman's garage that had about 20 shiba inu puppies. Dalton (4 at the time) pointed into one of the pens and said, I want that one and his name is Derek Jeter. And that was that. We brought this little 4 month old puppy home. He didn't move. Like DID NOT MOVE. He didn't play around. I called my mom the next morning and said "we got a dud!" LOL. He wasn't a typical playful puppy that first day. But once he was comfortable, he made our home his home. That was 16 years ago. We convinced Dalton to drop the "Derek" from his name and he became our Jeter. Jeter Man. Big Guy. King of the Castle.

Rick still wasn't so sure about this puppy in the house. Guess where this is going....
Who became Jeter's favorite person in the house? Yup. Rick. And Rick loved him more than anyone in the house. Sometimes I think Rick liked Jeter more than any of us!

Jeter was a one-of-a-kind dog. A typical shiba, he loved us most and not many other people. He didn't like dogs. He was happiest sleeping in our bed or on the couch. He was smart, stubborn, loving, aloof at times, more like a cat than a dog. And he was our perfect guy. He has been healthy and great for most of his life. About two years ago he started to show some signs of dementia but overall good health.

The past year has been hard for him. His eyesight and hearing have pretty much gone. I knew the end was coming soon but I didn't know when. We questioned it so many times. Is he ok? Is it time? How will we know? Well....we have made the hardest decision of our lives. It's time to say goodbye. Our hearts are heavy and we will be a disaster! But we are 100% sure it's the right decision. 

He is our boy. I will love him forever. We will be saying goodbye soon. 
Thank goodness for our sweet little kitten to keep the animal love going in our home.

Here are some pictures of Jeter over the years (in no particular order)....



  1. awwww lee, this is so sweet. the love for a dog, like no other. i know that you know it is time and i know you will miss him for ever!! it was such a good time to get your kitten, for loven on and cuddles. these pictures are wonderful!!

    if there is anything i can do, a shoulder to cry on or a text buddy, i am here for you!! i could even have a knitting problem that i need help with...that won't be hard!! i will be thinking about you!!

    1. Thank you. It was the hardest thing I've ever had to do. It's so strange to not have him here. It was time. But it hurts so much...
