Monday, November 7, 2022

November Days

I usually knit lots of things to sell in the coop. I use the money for my Christmas shopping. Unfortunately, I've had a bum shoulder for the past two months. I'm finally feeling better and I started knitting again. The farm store looks so pretty right now. It's filled with beautiful things. My mom is so good at picking the perfect things to sell. We make what we can but with busy lives, that merchandise is limited.
I made two little bonnets. The pink one is the Anker's Bonnet (I've made so many of these over the years.)
I also made the Simple Chunky Newborn Bonnet. It's a free pattern and SUPER quick to knit up.

The weather here has been so weird! We've had cool days and nights, misty mornings and right now it's almost 80 degrees! IN NOVEMBER! So odd! My chickens have finished molting and started laying eggs again. Yay! I really hate buying eggs in the grocery store when I have a flock of chickens in the yard.....

I love my library. They have so many good books and if you want something you just have to request it and voila! they get it and let you know when to pick it up. We are reading "Once There Were Wolves" for our Patreon book club. I picked it up today and got two more while I was there. I have a favorite denim shirt and it has a rip on the top shoulder. I remember my friend Allison mending her jeans using the Mending Matters book as a guide. My library had it so I grabbed it. Now to fix my shirt...
I also love cookbooks. I try to take a new one out every week just to get new ideas. Sometimes they're great, sometime's not so much. This one looked good so hoping I get a new recipe or two out of it for the dinner rotation. 

That's it for now :) Time to get back to work. Hope you're all doing well!

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