Thursday, November 3, 2022

"Mom's Best Friend"

The saying goes, a dog is "man's best friend". I'm redoing that phrase. This Buddy is "Mom's best friend". This goofy guy is so sweet. I love spending time walking him, exploring the farm together, taking walks to Spring Lake, hanging out on the couch, his company while I work from home, he really is the best puppy for me. I know he loves everyone else in my house...BUT he's a mama's boy right now and I don't hate that! I've been working on my Jupiter Crop sweater here and there and finished up the body this week. I need to buy more yarn for the sleeves. So it's on hold for now. But I'm really enjoying knitting it. I knitted more length in the body then the pattern called for but I left it a little shorter than I usually do. I want to wear it over a dress with tights or leggings. I just have to find a dress that will look cute under it! 

I celebrated my 7th anniversary at my job yesterday. I remember being so nervous to go back to working in an office after being home as a freelancer for so many years. It was hard in the beginning but it was one of the best decisions I've ever made. I love my company and the people I work with. I have a boss that's one in a million and she has become a close friend. My husband and I went out last night for a drink and my favorite pizza to celebrate at my favorite local place, Massuto's. Can't beat it!

This weekend will be filled with's playoff season and it's exhausting! If they win, we keep going...........this mom is ready to be done. BUT I'll be cheering them on during the games. The competitor in me is still deep inside! I just want to eat dinner as a family again.....!!!!

I'm getting ready to cast on a few things for the farm and then two sweaters for myself. I'm hoping to get some knitting done at the games this weekend. Hope you're all enjoying your November so far!

1 comment:

  1. i remember 7 years ago...we were not all as happy as you were!! hehehe

    the sweater looks great, it looks like you!!!

    ooooooh and i would not have know that about buddy?!?!
