Tuesday, August 20, 2024

Cooperstown, NY

We just returned from a picture perfect week in Cooperstown, NY. Our youngest son and his team played at The Dreams Park tournament. They were 1 of 104 teams of 12 year olds. These boys had the time of their lives and we loved it too. Thought I would show some pictures from the trip. If you are a baseball fan, I highly recommend a trip to the town. It's baseball fan heaven! We stayed in a small hotel on Lake Ostego. I spent every morning drinking coffee and knitting. The days were spent exploring the area, watching baseball, eating, eating, eating, drinks, fun with the other baseball families and enjoying time together.

I'll take you along....

This was the view from our hotel.

Cooperstown Distillery (knitting my sock everywhere I went)

Our oldest son flew home from Georgia to watch his littlest brother play. It was wonderful having him with us!!!!!!

Our hotel was one block from town. This is the Baseball Hall of Fame.

Seriously...does it get better than being a 12 year old boy with his buddies? My guy is #4.

Best meal we had the whole trip and I loved this old truck.

My guy had 3 home runs! So proud of him.

More hotel views of the lake.

You can see the barracks at Dreams Park in the distance. This is where the teams stayed with their coaches all week. They had a blast. And the coaches lived to tell us about it! lol

Had some downtime one afternoon and enjoyed reading  Funny Story by Emily Henry.

Another view of the lake and Council Rock around the corner from our hotel.

I took a stroll around town while the boys went to the Hall of Fame. I love upstate NY towns.

I wandered into the library and art gallery...

The diving loon was my favorite.

Back to the fields for more games...

We had some time in the middle of the day between games. We drove to Brewery Ommengang. It was a beautiful place! The drinks were delicious. I found a dry cider I enjoyed. The food was blah. But we had fun.

I stumbled upon a really cool gallery in town. It was the "oldest building in Cooperstown". The theme of the show was glass.

This dive bar was Cooleys and we went every night. Hung with the locals and had a great time!

I started the first sock on our drive to Cooperstown and finished the second one on our drive home.
I'll never forget this trip and I'm so thankful all of our boys had the chance to play in this magical place.

One of the team dads sent this after the last game:
"Heads high, boys! A great run. Savor the week. You got to play the greatest game in the shadow of mountains and on the shoulders of legends! Be thankful! Truly thankful!"

I agree xoxox


1 comment:

  1. what a trip...the view from your hotel is a dream come true!! you, me...in that truck, going for a joy ride, i can see it!! thank goodness for boys who love to play baseball!!
