Sunday, August 25, 2024

Slow Down

 I know this is a different opinion than most but I don't enjoy summer like I used to. As a kid it was wonderful. As an adult, not so much. There is a pressure to have a magical season, do all the things, make memories. People constantly asking, "how's your summer going?" No one ever asks, "how's your winter going?" Working full-time, teaching at night, managing family life, sports schedules and balancing all the stuff is hard. I didn't even get a garden planted this summer. Not one seed went in the ground. At the end of the day, I'm wiped. But the sun shines until late and I always feel like we should be doing more. But I'm tired! And I just want to make a nice dinner, sit on the couch and knit while watching something on tv. Maybe that's why I love fall and winter so much. Yes, the farm opens up end of September and our weekends look much different and are very busy. So it's not like life slows down when fall gets here but it's different. The temperatures are cooler (makes me soooo happy), the wardrobe is jeans and light sweaters (yay), the colors are pretty and it feels good.

When I don't feel like myself, it helps to slow down, take a whole day on a weekend and do less. Easier said than done.  I'm a terrible housekeeper. We all know it. I want a clean house but there's always a pile, a mess, laundry, so much to do and no desire to do it!!! I live with all boys!!!! It's always messy. I don't like spending time on a weekend cleaning when I could be knitting or reading. But it has to be's just so hard for me to get motivated to do it.

So when my son needed to borrow my car to go to Massachusetts for the weekend and we were down a car, it forced me to slow down. While flipping through the Magnolia Network I discovered Erin French. I had no idea what I was missing in my life! I watched her show, Getting Lost with Erin French. I was immediately inspired to cook, light a candle, clean the house, and put some fresh flowers in vases. I also ran over to the library and grabbed her cookbook, The Lost Kitchen. I'm officially obsessed! I have been watching her shows on repeat. I can't believe I didn't know about her. Now I want to go to her restaurant. You have to apply for a reservation through a lottery system by sending in a postcard. I told Rick to be ready to drive 7 hours for dinner if I get called! He just nodded...he knows not to question me when it comes to good food. I am going to make her Pork Burgers with Peaches, Blue Cheese and Bacon for dinner tonight. I have a feeling it's going to be amazing. I'll let you know...

I went down to my mom's gourd garden for the first time this summer to let Buddy run while I had some wine and read a new book. The gourdes are growing great and it's a magical little spot.

I made some time to knit on my Tecumseh Sweater. I have a feeling it's going to be huge on me. I really need to stop knitting things so big. I'm using really pretty wool from my friend MaryEllen. Only problem with knitting for hours and hours is it dried out my hands so much. I should have added lotion sooner. 

My sisters and some of the kids went to the beach on Saturday. It was picture prefect. I casted on a fun project for a friend. She has a 2 year old daughter and is having her second at the end of October. I got some crazy color yarn that I thought she would love. It reminds me of highlighters and she works in a school so I thought she would love it. I made a simple hat with a fun faux fur pompom for big sister and a simple little bonnet for baby sister. The colors are totally out of my comfort zone but perfect for her!

Another bonus of slowing down are very happy pets. Buddy is the happiest when he's curled up next to me while I knit and Sox is content to nap the day away. 

This will be the last week my middle son is home from college. Move-in is next weekend for Junior year. Time flies....wish it would slow down (just a bit).


  1. i have a love/hate relationship with summer and this summer there was a lot of disappointment. you know my story, the moms have been so time consuming, i don't even complain enough. we want them to get the best care but they are both so unhappy!! the heat makes everything difficult for me and people don't understand what it does to someone with MS. i hear all the time, go in the pool...unless i can stay under the water, it does not help much. i LOVE the fall and winter. when by 4:30 it is dark and you feel like you can wind down, but on the t.v. and craft whatever you want to. people are not asking you "what are you doing tonight"?? do what you love to do lee, it is so much better, so much healthier. i love a good snow storm or even just a torrential downpour of rain. we are much the same in many ways except "i wash my potatoes before i boil them"!! lol i can't make mashed potatoes without thinking of you!! awesome pics today, i will have to look for erin french!!!

  2. and i like the bonnet and hat, they are so FUN!!!
