Monday, September 16, 2024

Scenes from Life Lately...

Half way through September. It's been busy, back to school routine (yay), working a ton, knitting lessons at night, band has started back up, lots of cooking, trying new soups, knitting, reading, NJ Sheep & Wool Festival, more knitting, and of course dog walking...

Fresh figs from my friend Paige's yard. YUM.

Mondays at the coffee shop. Friends, working, knitting and treats.

A few baby knits to sell in the farm store

Gift knit for my husband's co-worker. She is expecting her first granddaughter.
This Kirby sweater is a super cute and fun knit.

My sourdough starter is VERY happy! My friend, "Just Joan" gifted a little of her starter that came from the King Arthur company. This is the way to go! I have had it for a month or two and it's very happy.
I just baked a loaf today to go along with soup for dinner.

Sunday morning knitting in my new coffee mug.

I got this beautiful colored yarn at NJ Sheep & Wool. It will be paired with the white yarn from my mom's alpaca, Azzaca. Azzaca had to be put down last year so this yarn is very special to us. I'm going to knit the Moonbumps scarf with these two yarns.

My NJ Sheep & Wool "haul". Small but mighty!

A few pics from the day with my mom...

My finished my Frame Your Face Cowl. I used yarn my son and girlfriend gifted me from their summer trip to France. The brown yarn is from them and the white is Cascade 220. It didn't seem right without my I used my New to You MAL skill from 2024, the duplicate stitch! I love how it came out.

The picture below was taken by Purple Debbie before I seamed it together. She was visiting the farm for a knitting lesson to finish up her Weekender Sweater (same as the one I'm wearing in the picture)

I really enjoying cooking and trying new recipes. Here are a few wins from last week:
Mapo Ragu. DELICIOUS! This is from The NY Times cooking site. You can also find the recipe in Sam Sifton's book, See You On Sunday.

Sweet Potato Chowder (making this again tonight to go with the bread)

Egg, arugula, avocado, cheese breakfast quesadilla. Not a recipe, just threw some things together and it was yummy.

 Two weeks until Farm Days....ahhhh! I'm actually taking the day off work tomorrow just to get things done outside and around the house. Need to spruce the place up before the crowds come!

Monday, September 9, 2024

Quiet Weekend

My husband went to visit our oldest for the weekend and I didn't do much of anything. Spent some time knitting, reading and cooking out of this cookbook.

The fall temps are here and I'm loving it!

I let the chickens out for a bit and Miss Claire enjoyed hiding in the flowers.

Beautiful skies over the high school soccer game.

Was feeling very blah all weekend so I headed to Spring Lake to work on a freelance project before going to my son's football game. Enjoyed a coffee and got some sketches done for a new logo.

I got a lot of knitting done on my Frame Your Face Cowl. Also enjoying this book. 


Thursday, September 5, 2024

Evening Walk

Between teaching knitting lessons on Tuesday night, I took a stroll around the farm with Buddy and Sox joined in. I love when he walks along with us. Cracks me up. Thought I would take you along too...