Saturday, September 21, 2024

Goodbye Summer (almost

It's officially the last weekend of Summer. Tomorrow marks the start of Fall (my favorite season)! But fall also means we are busy around here! Lots of prep work to get the farm open for the season, welcoming visitors, tagging merchandise, cleaning up and getting things in order. My mom and sister Liz do all the work to get the farm store ready. My dad does tons of work all over the farm with maintenance, mowing the grass, keeping things in order and I help out when I can. My role is more when the store opens and helping knitters. I teach lessons all year round but my day job keeps me busy all week. 

I admit I skipped farm stuff today to soak up the last of the summer. I took a walk through Spring Lake and spent some time on the beach knitting and listening to a very funny book, Class Mom. 

Thought I would share some photos from the past few days...

Mom in her gourd garden! She has been busy making beautiful creations with her crop from last year. It takes all year to from harvest to making it into something. She has bird houses, bowls, night lights and jewelry all made with her gourds. Liz took this picture of her so I can make a tag to add to her creations she will sell in the farm store.

Enjoyed a few morning walks this week through Spring Lake. It's my favorite place to walk and it's so weird to see it empty! The joy of "Local Summer". Tourist season has wrapped up and we get to enjoy our little towns again.

Started to decorate for fall. I'm happy have pumpkins and twinkle lights around again.

A simple and quick dinner this week. Whole Foods has some great seasoned shrimp already cooked. I like to run in and grab some on our busy week nights. I threw together some ramen noodles, stir fry veggies, warmed up the shrimp and some micro greens. Delicious and healthy!

Wishing my friend, Purple Debbie and happy birthday! She celebrated another trip around the sun this week. This photo was from last year. We take our annual Rhinebeck photo every year. This year she will be wearing her OWN sweater (just like the one she has on in this photo). I'm so proud of her. She wore mine last year and loved it. She has never knitted a sweater before (and maybe never again, lol) but she did it! She has one sleeve to go!

Had another crazy busy and long work week and I found myself with two whole hours free between work, football practice drop off and our Patreon zoom. So we grabbed a drink and pizza at my favorite place, Massutto's Market. We sat at the pizza bar and enjoyed a pause in the business of our week.

I started my Moonbumps scarf and I'm LOVING it!!!!

Made some loaves of banana apple bread on Friday. I had a few bananas past their prime and a few apples sitting around. It was the first time making this recipe and it was just ok, so I won't share the recipe.
I should have just stuck with my simple banana bread recipe.

Fall weather is on the way but it still looks like summer out the window.

Friday Night Lights! My nephew is on the team and they invited all the youth teams to walk the field last night. We enjoyed a VERY good game! I miss my football Friday Nights with my crazy friends! 

I decided to spend the last day of summer with the perfect Jersey breakfast. Pork roll and cheese on a hard roll with ketchup, eaten on the beach, of course.

I started the morning with a nice walk and then soaked in the sun with some knitting and reading.
The farm opens up next weekend so these days are over....But that's ok! It's time for Fall and I'm ready for it.


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