Monday, September 9, 2024

Quiet Weekend

My husband went to visit our oldest for the weekend and I didn't do much of anything. Spent some time knitting, reading and cooking out of this cookbook.

The fall temps are here and I'm loving it!

I let the chickens out for a bit and Miss Claire enjoyed hiding in the flowers.

Beautiful skies over the high school soccer game.

Was feeling very blah all weekend so I headed to Spring Lake to work on a freelance project before going to my son's football game. Enjoyed a coffee and got some sketches done for a new logo.

I got a lot of knitting done on my Frame Your Face Cowl. Also enjoying this book. 


1 comment:

  1. i could feel the peace!! the cowl looks great, i can't wait to see it done!! i got my sweater back on track but i just don't feel like i will ever finish it. i am going to text you about a private lesson!!

    i love spring lake and the pictures of the peaches, i really like peach crumble!!
