Don, Dee and Liz are up at the North American Alpaca Show 2011 in Springfield, Massachusetts this weekend. They are excited to be showing our new girl, Spicy (she's a beauty!) and our best little boy, Tka. I love that little alpaca. He's so sweet. I heard that the ride up was snowy. I really hope it warms up soon!!!!
I'm in charge of feeding the herd this morning. I have to fit it all in before heading to the little league fields for a day of baseball parades, team pictures and two games! I can assure you that I'm the only mom that had to do that before getting their kids ready for a game.
I'll take some pictures and post them later today. I also have some knitting projects I would like to share. (is it rude to knit at your own kid's baseball game???)
Picture was taken this morning in the field.
Happy Knitting everyone!
Congrats to Kigo getting 2nd place.