We did it. We survived our second National Alpaca Farm Day!

This year was just as busy as last year, but I felt like we had much more to offer.
In the past few weeks, one of our sheds was transformed to house some goodies for the weekend. The tent was put up, the pumpkins were picked, the alpacas were shuffled into the appropriate pens and fields, the parking signs were posted, the food was put out, the rain held off and we opened our gates on Saturday morning at 10:00.

This year we had a pen set up under the tent. Three of our boys charmed the crowds. Sanda (the white alpaca) was the star. He loved it.

Smiling people filled our farm. We had a few hundred people come through over the weekend. Some read about us in the paper, some heard about us from friends, I recognized some from the Seniors of Wall and others were friends of ours. We were once again overwhelmed with the interest that is out there about us and the alpacas. It's fun to see people share in our joy and excitement.

This is the best friend you could ask for...This is Tara. She's not blood related to us, but the poor girl got sucked into our family and now we won't let her go. She was such a champ that she stood in that 10'x10' pen all day with three alpacas and cleaned up poop.

PUMPKINS! They grew. Woohoo! We gave the little orange gourds to every little kid.
Here's my old post about the pumpkins if you want to read the back story to the WooHoo comment.
Pumpkins Post

Tara working hard again. Poor girl. She's going to start to reconsider being a part of this crazy family.

Lizzie gave spinning demos all weekend. People loved this. I heard so many nice comments about her. I think it's the first time a lot of people had ever seen this done.

Our nice neighbors, Alice and Herb dropped off delicious muffins
and a special nut free treat for Lizzie. They were wonderful!

This is the inside of the building. Just set up for the weekend. We had yarn, fleeces, our show ribbons, the drum carder and spinning wheel on display.

Liz and Nick displayed their handmade frames.

Fuzzy animals!

MomMom looked down on us the whole weekend. She would have loved this so much.

It was a great two days.
Now it's time to get ready for next year....
Happy Knitting, Farming, Alpaca Watching