Thursday, May 14, 2020

Knitting Keeps Me Sane

I don't know what I would do without knitting. There's nothing like it.

I have been busier than ever in the morning and at night. Knitting away.
Thought I would share a few pictures of my latest projects.

I finished my Leaves of Grass blanket. Knitted with Sweitzers Fiber Mill yarn in a dk merino base.
This was the second time I've knit this pattern. The first had an unfortunate ending with a washing machine and dryer. This one will NOT go into the dryer!!!!!!

My sister, Liz gave me this yarn for my birthday. She dyed it herself. It's alpaca, merino, nylon blend and it is so nice and squishy! I am making basic vanilla socks with it.

I am knitting another Granny's Favourite sweater to sell in the coop. I also started a new book. I had picked this book up at the library sale ages ago. It takes place right by Rhinebeck so it's fun to imagine the scenery. It's a ghost story and so far it's good.

This is the one that I finished. The color doesn't show up well. It's actually a very sweet sage green. I love the buttons I added. They were in my stash. I think I bought them last fall at the NJ Sheep & Wool Festival.

My buddy, all snuggled up in the morning while I knit and have my coffee.

Dalton made a small fire pit for me in the front of the house for my Mother's Day present. We had our first fire in it last night. Wine, knitting, pjs and a fire. Not a bad way to spend an evening! Then we headed in the house to watch the Survivor finale. What a season! My favorite didn't win but it was one of the best seasons we have ever watched.

1 comment:

  1. oh i wondered if you were watching?!?! i have never missed a season and this season was definitely, without a doubt, the best!! i was ok with tony winning, i felt so bad that no one voted for michele!!!

    the baby sweaters are so sweet and i love the pjs, is there some kind of hidden message there??
