Tuesday, April 19, 2022

Happy Mom

(I did have to share my kid...but it's ok because I love his girlfriend! This was at her parent's house Saturday night)

 My oldest was home for a few days. I'm a very happy mom when all three boys are under one roof. It was short lived because the middle son left for spring break with his best friend's family. The weather warmed up a bit (now it's freezing again!!!!) but it was nice to get outside while it lasted. I took the little boys down to the pond to fish to give Liz a break. She's recovering from ACL knee surgery. They caught lots of fish and were content just goofing around. I started a Rose City Roller sock with my leftover Urth Yarn. I love how the colors gradate. It's a quick project and I finished the one sock over the weekend. Now working on sock #2.

My oldest loves my sourdough bread and it's a treat for him when he's home. So of course, I HAD to make one for him. My starter is almost three years old now! I can't believe I've managed to keep it alive this long. We all love it. I would make it more often but we would eat too much! We don't have willpower when it comes to the bread. So, it remains a special treat.

We had a very low-key Easter. I was lazy and didn't go to Easter sunrise service. I've been so busy lately that I just wanted to sleep in a tiny bit. We hung out, watch the Yankees and went over to my sisters for a last minute dinner. The boys had fun and finished up the night playing Wordle unlimited on their computers. Are you playing Wordle? I do The NY Times one every morning and I enjoy it. I'm sure it's just a fad that will eventually go away but or now I'm doing it every day!

Maryland Sheep & Wool is getting close and I'm so excited. I'm looking up patterns and vendors and dreaming of yarn, friends and food. Hope you are all doing well!


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