Saturday, September 1, 2012

Last Baby Free Knitting Club?

Well, looks like this may be the last baby free knitting club for Lizzie!
She is due to deliver her baby boy in 2 weeks. The doctors said they will let her go 1 week over due, so that means in 3 weeks, we'll have a new baby around!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I am SOOOOOOOO excited to have a new baby to hold. There is nothing better in the whole wide world than a brand new baby. I'm thinking all good thoughts that everything will go perfectly and he will come soon and without any complications.

 We also welcomed a new member to our group. Courtney is a friend and colleague of Tara's and she just moved to our town. So we welcomed her in and it's as if she has always been here. She is expecting her first baby (A GIRL!!!!!!!!!) in November. So a perfect little girlfriend for my new nephew. Don't you think so?

Now this baby needs a name............


  1. Baby Nate! I'm so bummed I missed out on the yarn party :(

  2. How fun! Knitting nights won't be quite the same, but they'll be fun anyway.

    We used to have something called simply, "Club", while our kids were growing up, and it was a girls' night out at someone's house, eating a delicious dessert, and visiting. I was one of few knitters present---and I did that mostly so I didn't spill too much family news. These women weren't drinkers, so it was a coffee crowd, but we had lots of fun and looked forward to a harmless night out.
