I never considered myself a "routine" loving person. I was the WORST at having regular "bath and bedtimes" for my kids growing up. I was more of a do what the mood strikes at the time kind of girl. Well, I guess that is changing. Guess what, I like a routine. And I haven't had a normal one in about a month and well...that didn't go well. Also, my big kids are around and as much as I missed them being away at college, I got used to it. Lots of energy ALWAYS in my house again! I like the ease of a daily habit. I wake up, drink coffee, knit, watch the news, get Chase ready for school, take him to school, take the dog for a walk, come home, clean up and get to work. Work all day, fit in some time to knit a bit, have a quick lunch, walk the dog again, go on Pinterest, check Blogger, meetings, work, repeat. Kid gets home from school, say hi, quick conversation, back to work until it's time to make dinner. Make dinner, get kid to sports practice or a game, come home after all sports are done, sit on my spot on the couch, knit, watch tv with whoever is hanging out. Go to bed. It's lovely. Boring but works for me.
I have certain days of the week that I go into the office, so those days are different. But I also have the "fun" things I do during the week that keep me going and happy.
Monday morning coffee and knitting. I've missed it the past month due to a few things but yesterday I was BACK! Ahhh it felt so good. Seashore Sharon gifted us a cute little tin, with a pencil and tiny scissors. All packaged up in a cute lunch bag. She's so thoughtful. I asked the girls for some ideas on what to knit for the "Let's Hear it for the Boys" MAL with Needles at the Ready. We looked through Ravelry and shared ideas. We talked about books, recipes, what we've been watching, all the good stuff. I work during this (as you can see with my laptop open) but it's just what I need. I have this little red leather journal. I've had it for years now and it's always in my knitting bag. I jot down little things, ideas, logo designs, pattern sketches, podcast notes, all knitting related stuff. I added more to it yesterday after our coffee date.
I was inspired, went back home to finish my work day, cleaned up a bit, made a yummy sandwich and picked a pattern to knit. After dinner and sports, I sat in my corner of the couch and casted on the
Icehouse Hat for Rick using Arrow Acres Farm Yarn. It's nice to have a small project on my needle that I can carry around easier than a sweater. But who am I kidding...I already have my next sweater planned :)