Monday, June 5, 2023

Wrapped in Love


When I got the news that my cousin was going through some life-changing health issues, I did the only thing I knew to do. Gather up the knitters :) I sent out a text to our Rhinebeck group with a half-crazy, not thought out plan...let's all knit or crochet some 8" squares and we'll connect them all and make a blanket to wrap our Carolyn in love. Carolyn is my real cousin, but we have each started calling each other in the house "Rhinebeck Cousins". Her spirit and personality are amazing and one-of-a-kind. There is no one like her! You ALWAYS have a good time when she's around. Everyone in this photo from Rhinebeck 2022 sent some squares along with a few other friends that weren't able to make it last year. 

Within two weeks of that group text, we gathered 49 squares!!!! Our "cousins" all jumped in immediately and got to work. Liz joined them all together and it's now complete. I hope Carolyn feels the weight of our arms around her and all the love we feel for her as she heals during this health journey. 

Fiber folks are the best :)