Wednesday, August 30, 2023

"My Friend Made the Logo"

My Florida knitting friends are on my mind this morning as we woke to the news of how intense the hurricane became over night. It moved more north than expected and is hitting Tallahassee hard. It had me thinking of Hurricane Sandy and the devastation that occurred in our area. We were without power for 13 days and so many people lost their homes. I was going back in my photos (backed up on google photos) and realized Sandy happened before I had a cell phone that took photos. The old photos must be on my old computer. I don't even know if I can turn my old computer on!!!

Anyway, as I was looking back on photos, these photos stood out to me and brought such a big smile to my face. These were taken at Rhinebeck 2019, the year I designed the logo. Purple Debbie told everyone and anyone that I designed it. She told them I taught her to knit. With gusto and pride, everyone was told these two facts!!!!! EVERYONE :) It was one of the best days of my life. To be surrounded with friends, fiber people, at Rhinebeck and my artwork was everywhere. I was on cloud 9 for sure.

I always buy a book for my youngest from the festival. The authors/illustrators are usually there to sign the books. I picked out a Farm book for my little one, the author was signing it, Purple Debbie was telling him that I am her friend, I taught her to knit and I designed the logo! He didn't react. Nothing. Didn't look up from what he was doing. No acknowledgement. Purple Debbie was confused. Why didn't HE care that HER friend taught her to knit AND designed the logo? 

Then he started sketching on a blank piece of paper. Hey...that's me! 

and THEN.......he drew this :)

Turns out he was listening. One of my favorite moments of the weekend. We sure did have a fun time.

Knitting friends quickly become family. I am lucky to have met so many amazing people near and far that I can now call friends...all because of some yarn and needles and this thing called knitting.

I will continue to keep my eye on the news and check in with our Florida knitting friends as this hurricane makes landfall. Praying for all!

1 comment:

  1. oooooooh as soon as i saw the title to this post i knew exactly what it was about!!! that was one of the best weekends of my life.....i had so much fun!!

    your words brought me right back to that weekend and this very special moment. it was awesome wasn't it?!?! this guy was such a crack up...and what talent he had. he drew those pictures so quickly. my pictures from that year are still hanging on my living room wall with the picture that you drew of the house. 51 days until rhinebeck this year, but who's counting!! let's make sure we hit the book section together this year!!

    oooooh and you know how big my smile is right now, right?!?! and i am so glad you have this picture. i didn't but i can save it from here now!!!
