Wednesday, August 12, 2020

After the storm....

Well folks, Isiasis tore it's way through our parts last week and did she leave a mark! We are very fortunate to not have any damage that needed to be repaired. But what a mess she left behind. I was so scared the giant tree was going to come right down on my chicken coop. I sat inside watching the ground rip up as the gusts of wind brought the tree closer and closer to toppling over. We were left without electricity for 4 1/2 days. It wasn't until my dad called and told them he needed to get water to his alpacas that they came to help. There were lines and trees down on our road and it took them days to get here. But they did and everything is back to normal. My fridge and freezer got a complete cleaning (much overdo anyway) and we stayed with family that did have power so we could work.

1 comment:

  1. WoW!!! what a mess!!! across the street, they had some large limbs come down and one or two trees. we only had some small branches and leaves in the lawn, nothing more than usual for a rain storm, we were lucky!!

    the road coming in to my street, never lost power, the senior complex didn't either. but our little cul-de-sac was out for 3 days, it was so weird!!!
