Sunday, August 30, 2020

Knitting for Charity

Two years ago at Knit in the Pit, I met a really fun, nice, upbeat woman named Stacy. 
She introduced herself and told us about her nonprofit foundation, Soap S.A.C.K.

From her website:
Our vision is to inspire groups of volunteers around the country to crocket/knit, collect and donate bar soap to their local food pantries, homeless shelters, relief efforts, missions trips, social service agencies and veteran clinics.

According to her website, 100,000+ soap sacks have been donated! Isn't that wonderful?!

I have been making some over the last week and I'm looking forward to donating them to our local food pantry. For more information, take a look at her website. She has patterns, stories and more on there. She's doing a wonderful thing and I'm happy to be a very small part of it.

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