Tuesday, July 21, 2020

Making Mojo

I saw an embroidered hat on Pinterest a few weeks ago and showed my sister, Liz. I knew we HAD to make some!!! The next day she was shopping with my mom at a flower farm and there were a bunch of blank hats in the check out line! Random and perfect!!! She picked up a few and started creating.

Yesterday I took my lunch hour and made one myself. I loved making it and listed it on Etsy last night. It sold! Woohoo! I think I need to make more.....

It was super simple to make it. A blank hat, a needle and some embroidery thread. I split the strands of thread into 3 strands and I am happy with the weight. I think it showed up well. I started with 2 but it didn't show up well. I used a white dressmakers pencil to lightly draw my design before I embroidered. That's it! Easy, peasy!


  1. OMG, I love it!!! i see another business in the making!! would you mind if i stole this?? chucks sister bought me a plain, light purple hat that would work perfect on it, it needs something!! let me know!!

    nice that it sold so quickly, it's so pretty!!

    1. Go for it!!! It's really easy and fun. Can't wait to see what you create!
